Jonagold Apples

Taste: Jonagold apples have a creamy yellow flesh and a balanced, honey-tart flavor. This apple has a light crunch. 

Nutritional Info:

  • Contain vitamins A and C as well as pectin, a beneficial fiber

  • Contain potassium, which may reduce the chances of a stroke and have a trace amount of boron believed to build bones and to increase mental vitality

When To Find Jonagold Apples: Jonagold ripens unevenly and necessitates multiple pickings each season. Begin looking for them in mid-September.  Its long shelf-life means that Jonagold will still taste better than other varieties as late as May.

Best Uses for Jonagold Apples: Jonagold is a large, tasty apple appropriate for eating out of hand or cooking. It’s popular for pies.

How to Store Jonagold Apples: Store this type of apple in your refrigerator's crisper, like other apples.