
Taste: The Loganberry looks like a blackberry with the fuzziness and brilliant carmine of a raspberry. It’s sweeter and juicier than a raspberry, smoother and less tart than a blackberry, and the seeds are smaller and softer.

Nutritional Info:

  •  Contain high amounts of anthocyanins., which act as antioxidants, neutralizing the harmful free radicals in our bodies

  • High concentration of gallic acid, ellagic acid, and rutin, which all have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties

  • Good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and manganese

When to Look for Loganberries: These berries have a very short season, so keep an eye out for them in mid-July and buy them at your first opportunity. It could also be your last chance for the summer!

Best Uses for Loganberries Loganberries can be eaten like either raspberries or blackberries, but because of their slightly softer texture and seeds they make particularly good jams and pies.

How to Store Loganberries: Because there berries are so soft, they can easily get squished. Keep them in the original container until you are ready to eat them. Loganberries are best stored uncovered in your fridge for several days.